The Arc


Angelina Heart

The Ultimate Revelation of the Inner Arc and the True Co-Creative Power of Twin Flames

Novel in five parts – e-book or paperback boxed set


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Product Description

A novel in 5 parts
Angelina Heart & Marisa Morin

$48.95 paperback 5 book boxed edition: select Vics Pics
$24.95 Kindle edition

We are on the leading edge of both personal and planetary transformation, seeking a method by which to positively influence the future of humanity without exercising violence or domination

The Arc of the Covenant is one of the most mysterious, universally feared and revered religious icons of all time, rumored to possess supernatural powers that can heal or destroy. The prophecy foretells that its placement in the third Temple of Solomon will signal the dawn of the final battle between good and evil. However, through the eons, Arc Guardians have left cryptic messages about its higher purpose and potential –


A world-renowned archaeologist dies under questionable circumstances after claiming to find the Arc. With “end of time” predictions looming, his daughter, Kat Whitcomb, courageously dons his mantle to swiftly locate and secure it from government agencies with private agendas. Unexpectedly, she and her team discover there is an equivalent Arc encoded within the human heart. To avert the Biblical prophecy of chaos and destruction they must first journey through a spiritual and historical education that will unveil the truth about both ― a truth that will profoundly alter the future of civilization.


Secret Insights from the Authors:
The Arc is definitely not your standard piece of fiction, for it was not written simply to entertain. Instead, consider it edu-tainment, for its true purpose is to inform through a story-telling format. It is not a book for those afraid to challenge what they’ve been conditioned to believe about history, world politics and economy, or organized religion. The instruction provided is not subtle, but direct, and includes a great deal of advanced spiritual training. It has been heavily, perfectly, and divinely encoded.

The Arc is an expertly woven, taught, adrenaline-filled tail of the hero and heroine’s journey of self-actualization. It provides an authentic roadmap for embracing and incorporating the Divine Feminine through the intelligent co-creation and cooperation of the masculine and feminine. It is a deep and passionate love story that will grab your heart, spirit, and soul, sending you into the embrace of total oneness.
The authors have provided a thoroughly researched, interesting, fact-filled adventure of intrigue, deception, discovery, and liberation. The writing style is fully visual and easily adaptable to film. It would make a compelling and entertaining network movie series.
David Welch, Producer, Peaceful Warrior

The Arc is both an entertaining and educating read. The authors refer to their intent as edutainment, and that is an apt description. Join the adventure of a lifetime as five friends explore the innermost secrets of hidden societies charged with safeguarding information, tools and techniques that could change the world. Experience the intrigue as foreign governments in hot pursuit of the most powerful secret weapon believed to exist, chase our five friends around the globe—each intent on gaining the prize.

“You will learn many things during this journey including secrets of mystical orders, historical records of organized religion, including the usurpation of Christ’s real message, and much more. Fiction and fact blend in an orchestrated presentation of potentials—past, present and future.

“The authors have ably mixed an exciting adventure story with passionate romances along the way. The merger of masculine and feminine flames will thrill you as they join in an incredible and awesome capacity. However, I don’t want to give anything else away, so read this incredible five book series today. You will not be disappointed!”
Dr. Eldon Taylor, multiple New York Times Best Selling Author, Creator of Inner Talk (patented subliminal technology), and host of popular radio show: Provocative Enlightenment


“A mind-expanding, consciousness-raising, life-changing adventure of a love story! It is a profound gift to receive the compelling information and energy these awe-inspiring pages have to offer. I felt as if I personally experienced the life-changing transformations the characters went through as I took this journey with them. This is a story that offers real hope and great teachings at a time when such is desperately needed.”
Sheryl Lee, film actress


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Media Format

Paperback Box Set, eBook