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By May 21, 2006Articles, Media

Angelina Heart

The question is repeatedly asked, “Do I have just one twin flame, or are there many possibilities?”

You have but one, but it may manifest in multiple forms. You are a multidimensional being, as is your twin flame. Only that which is held as your heart’s belief can appear before you in this world of illusion. If you see through twin flame eyes only the beauty and perfection which is Love (God’s truth made manifest), you BECOME a resonance that automatically draws its pure divine complementary energy pattern.

The symbol through which this manifests can be limitless. It is why you can experience your twin flame in the etheric form, through the wind, through the waters of the earth, through the eyes of your animal friends, and most especially, through the hearts of all mankind, including your current partner.

As you receive limitless unconditional love from the Mother/Father God, magnifying it in your own heart and GIVE IT BACK to all creation, it returns to you magnified. In front of this lens of a heart free from ego’s illusory obstructions, all heart impediments are cleared. WHEN YOU BECOME AND GIVE THIS LOVE, IRONICALLY, THAT WHICH IS YOUR TWIN FLAME ENERGY TANGIBLY APPEARS BEFORE YOU IN A SYMBOL (BODY) THAT YOU DESIRE. It may even appear in the symbol of the person with whom you now share your life. Both those who surround you and the conditions in which your illusion plays out can only remain in your field if they rise to your higher frequency. Conditions and people who cannot meet your energy will harmoniously depart from your “world.” This is a basic physics lesson.

For some, their twin flame relationship may exist only in the etheric or anther dimensional level. This type of relationship may, in fact, be the soul’s desire, if the work the twins need to achieve requires that one be in embodiment and the other remain as a bridge to higher dimensions. It would be by mutual soul consent, knowing their service is for the highest and best good of all. For others, the longing of their soul may be to have the pure complementary experience of reflection in the symbol of another body in this dimension.

Either way, it is real…more real than anything your ego has ever created in illusion. The joining of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine is the perfect reflection of God in a limitless creative form.

KNOW this is real, beloved ones. BE it. CREATE it.



(Angelina Heart, author of The Teaching of Little Crow, The Journey of the Soul, available in hardback edition by request at your local bookstore, or direct order through Amazon.com or AtlasBooks.com.heartflamepublishing.com

*A note from Angelina: The article that appeared in the Magical Blend spring edition, 2006, was greatly reduced and somewhat altered (taken out of context) by the magazine’s editors. When Magical Blend requested that I write an article on sacred sexuality, I joined forces with Yael Powell and we wrote a two part piece that covered infinitely more aspects. The original submission follows after this article for a BROADER view of this important subject.

Angelina Heart