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Twin Flame Thanks-giving

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Can you feel it? Can you feel the magnified field of gratitude in your Twin Flame heart? Our unseen assistants are working overtime, amplifying every bit of love and forgiveness, every bit of gratitude that emanates from within your heart.

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Twin Flame Sacred Union

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Let me speak of love, or more particularly, about love-making. Love-making is a literal term. It means to make more love: love not only as an ideal, but more importantly, love as the substance of all creation, both in form and formlessness.

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Twin Flame Love – A Paradigm Shift

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As the most significant galactic alignment in a quarter million years is adjusting the vibration of the planet and all evolving upon it, humanity is being pushed along its evolutionary path at light speed. Our souls are demanding unprecedented paradigm shifts, including those about love and relationships.

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The New Resonance of Relationship

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Love is not experienced in the giving and receiving. It is experienced in the space between. Giving and receiving, the moving of energy, is only a function of the initiation of will in our dimension. Love, in its purest state, is a simple matter of Being – emanating, radiating the core essence of your true identity. It is not in the flow that you experience love – it’s in the silence.

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Twin Flames: From Illusion to Freedom

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As the encoding in your DNA to return to at-one-ment has been awakened, you have witnessed a world-wide sweep in consciousness towards unity, respect and reverence for all life, as well as a personal, powerful magnetic impulse to remember your at-one-ment with God and with your Twin Flame.

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Include Closure in your New Beginnings

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Maybe you were drawn to the Twin Flame information because you were hungry for love and intimacy. Maybe you just long for “The One” or believe you have found “The One”. If, however, you attempt to mold your projection of your ideal for a Twin Flame onto a poor, unsuspecting lover instead of becoming the ideal yourself, chances are your lover will usually fail to meet your expectations and the relationship will falter, wither, and die

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Twin Flame Resurrection

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Easter, regardless of your religious affiliation, is the eternal story of resurrection, and resurrection is but a remembrance of your perfected God state. The *Twin Flame creation matrix is the fullness of that recollection.

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