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Courage and Action

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What does Courage look like when you’re dancing between worlds? You’ve been holding a portion of your consciousness focused on the Real through the vortex of your Twin Flame heart. But, you also continually allow yourself to be drawn into the play, sometimes inadvertently and sometimes with intent. And, each time you enter the play, you’re magnetically attracted to the fear that has been created by the mass consciousness of little minds believing they could be separate from God. …

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Preparing Yourself for the Soulmate

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Recently some of the leading relationship luminaries joined with Arielle Ford and Claire Zammit to offer The Ultimate Soulmate Summit. Together, they provided a wealth of information about the psychology, biology, chemistry and inner spiritual work for those who are seeking a soul mate. …

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Twin Flames – The Ultimate Valentine

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In the Roman tradition the 14th of February was a day of celebrating Juno, Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses. The next day followed with a celebration of fertility; the balanced union of the Feminine and Masculine energies in an act of expressing love in a new form. The Christian church renamed it in honor of St. Valentine…

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Holy Relationships

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We couldn’t expand as souls without the opportunity to see ourselves reflected through relationships. And… all relationships are reflections that help us see ourselves clearly. They exist not only to allow us to witness our evolvement into a loving, compassionate, intelligent and beautiful being, but also to see our frailties and where we hold judgments. All relationships reflect the “Whole-I” and are, therefore, Holy…

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Dissolving The Stories

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Stories – we’re addicted to them – addicted to the hero’s journey, told over and over and over again – addicted to the drama of the learning process, whether it be fiction, the daily news, or the drama in our own circle of life. BUT, WE ARE NOT OUR STORIES!!! The stories have merely served as an educational format…

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Healing The Polarization

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There is a lot of misinformation circulating about what will happen in 2012. Most of it is fear-based and predicting things like cataclysmic earth changes and the end of the world. In Truth, we have already entered the initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages. We began our ascent up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th Dimension between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in November 2003, during an event that was coined Harmonic Concordance. That does not mean, however, that 2012 is not important. It is very significant…

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The Awakening Twin Flame Heart

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Upon first meeting, they instantly recognized the other half of their soul in each other’s eyes and the most intense exploration of love swiftly unfolded. There was no need for the ritual of getting to know one another and their loving relationship initiated with powerful intensity. A continual circulation of orgasmic energy pulsed through them and although sexual in nature, it most often culminated in a profound exchange between their hearts rather than their loins. For the first time in their lives they felt absolute unity with another being…

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See The Race Through To The End

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As you already know, we sit poised on the potential of a massive shift in consciousness for humanity. Many prophecies from various cultures have foretold of this shift, yet none of them define the outcome. We are in unchartered territory and are, at this moment, creating what this shift shall look like….

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Change The Screen

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We are daily being challenged in tremendous ways as we make critical shifts on this most beloved planet. You can’t turn on a television, the radio or even your internet browser without being blasted with some sort of gloom and doom drama, and I know it’s wearing thin on all our souls…

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Expansion Of The Twin Flame Heart Womb

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Oh, how far we’ve come in the understanding of the power of the Twin Flame Heart Womb. With each Now Moment of opening and surrender to the Will of Love, we will broaden our comprehension of our co-creative potential from within this primary field of Cause which exists outside of time and space….

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