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Choices And Illusions

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You have been training to hold the vibration of love in the face of the current illusions of collapsing economies, wobbling governments, health crisis, destabilization of relationships, etc…

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The Power Of The Twin Flame Heart Womb

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What exciting times! All around us we see humanity waking. The energetic shifts that look cataclysmic in our individual and collective lives have been bringing to the surface each and every story the ego has ever created to keep us believing in separation and in its world of illusion. Perhaps you believe your ego is your nemesis, but viewing the situation through heart perception, you’ll see the angst that grips your little mind ultimately moves you to surrender to spirit….

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The matrix shift
The wobble and how it affects you
Heart Womb manifestation in awakened Twin Flames
Heart Field is a state of being
Why the new children are off-line…

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Sacred Sexuality – The Primal Forces Of Creation

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To My Beloved Spirit Family:
Gratitude is always the doorway to love. Thanks-giving is not a word to describe a single
day of the year, but, rather a state of consciousness that, if held as a daily focus, will work
miracles in your life. There is no swifter way to shift from lower to higher mind than to
deliberately move into a state of gratitude about something or someone. That being said,
may I take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to each and every one of you with the
greatest love of my Twin Flame heart _ for your individual and collective awakening is
returning the world to love.

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