Twin Flames, Twin Souls, & Soul Mates


From Ego’s Fantasy to Romancing the God Within
Premier audio course as taken from Angelina Heart’s seminars.

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Product Description

Now – you can effortlessly access Angelina Heart’s quintessential guide to connecting with your Twin Flame. By popular demand, Angelina has finally released the teachings compiled from her lectures, seminars, webinars and workshops into a simple, concise, affordable teaching series. This information will blow your ego’s rendition of love out of the water!

Every hope you’ve ever had about love is real, but the way you’ve understood love is the road AWAY from it!
You Can Change Roads Now!

  • Disappointed by Love Again and Again?
  • Thought You Found The One and Now They’re Out of the Picture?
  • Who or What is Your Twin Flame? Your Twin Soul? Your Soulmate?
  • How You Can Shift the Paradigm of Loneliness and Longing
  • How You Can Connect With Your Twin
  • How Your Search for “The One” Initiates Your Own Journey to Wholeness
  • How Romancing “The One” Becomes Romancing the God Within
  • How You Can Join With Your Twin to Serve a Much Higher Purpose

The term “Twin Flames” has taken on the same fervor that “Soul Mates” did a decade ago… and both have been, for the most part, misinterpreted through ego’s lens. But there’s a MUCH larger, more significant picture!

This incredible information will not only dissolve all your ego’s illusions about love, but will leave you empowered to KNOW TRUE LOVE and accept your identity as a magnificent God co-creator.

Listening to this 12 module series will change your perception and experience of love forever!



Twin Flames, Twin Souls & Soulmates: An Overview

Module 1: Twin Flames: THE BIG PICTURE

  • What are Twin Flames?
  • Understanding the Primal Forces of Creation
  • What Role do Twin Flames Play in the 2012 Shift?

Module 2: Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Soul Mates

  • Are They the Same Thing?
  • The Process of Fractalization – As Above/So Below
  • The Purpose of All Relationships
  • The Cosmic Twin Flame in a Constant State of Love-Making Which Creates a Holographic Replication of Love

Module 3: The Twin Flame Split

  • Why Twins Split
  • Education in Duality to Become Divine Co-Creators
  • How We Create in a Magnetic Universe
  • The Built-In Safety Net – Why We Created It. (The reason why so many cannot join or remain together in the physical plane)
  • The Unified Field of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

Module 4: Return of the Divine Feminine

  • History of the Divine Feminine
  • Why the Return of the Divine Feminine Affects Twin Flames
  • Opening the Spiritual Centers in the Head (Pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus and Alta major)
  • Balancing the Two Primal Forces Within

Module 5: Understanding Twin Flames As A Spiritual Energetic Essence

  • In Your Universe, You’re the Only One on Stage
  • Twin Flame Overshadowing
  • Do I Have More Than One Twin Flame?
  • How Twin Flames Appear as a Symbol in Your World

Module 6: How To Tell If Someone Is Your Twin Flame

  • Common Denominators Reported in Twin Flame Recognition in the Physical
  • Should I Attempt Intimate Relationship With the Twin in This Dimension?
  • What About Same Sex Relationships?
  • Can the Twin Appear in Familial or Friendship Relationships?

Module 7: How To Attract Your Twin Flame

  • The Spiritual Twin Flame Connection
  • Dreamtime Connection With Your Twin
  • Etheric Connection With Your Twin
  • What Are the Ramifications and Blessings of Connecting
  • Is There a Single Path
  • How to Replace Ego’s Paradigm
  • How to Create Authentic Self-Love
  • How to Facilitate Inner Connection With Your Twin
  • Tools for Balance and Healing

Module 8: Twin Flame Integrity

  • What if You or Your Twin is Already Married?
  • Why are so Many Reporting Twin Flame Connection with Celebrities?
  • My Twin is Not as Spiritually Evolved as I Am – What to do?

Module 9: What Is The Twin Flame Dispensation?

  • What is the Twin Flame Dispensation?
  • Are Twins Joining Physically at This Time? What is the Purpose?
  • Can I Relate to More Than One Aspect of My Twin Flame In This Lifetime?
  • Is it Unwise for Twins to Attempt to Join In A Marital Relationship in the Physical if They are Not Spiritually Evolved Enough to do so?
  • If I do Join With My Twin in the Physical, Will The Relationship be Sustainable?

Module 10: Ego’s Illusions Shattered – Now Where Do I Go?

  • Aligning With the Source – With Your True Identity
  • How to Clean Up Your Energy Field so You Will Attract Only What You Desire (Use of the Violet Flame)

Module 11: Twin Flame Cosmic Overview – The Power Of The Twin Flame Heart Womb

  • Twin Flame Physics – An Elementary Introduction
  • Potential of the Twin Flame Heart Womb
  • Using the Heart Womb to Assist With the Shift
  • The Ultimate Romance: Romancing the One
  • Using the Heart Womb to Assist With the Shift

Additional information

Audio Format

MP3 Download, CD Mailed