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By June 29, 2006Articles, Media

Angelina Heart

All human beings long to be truly seen, known, embraced, and loved; to be cherished for the truth beneath our stories, knowing our stories are only ways in which we grow.

A new billion dollar business has exploded throughout the world; one which hawks, “Love For Sale!” We hear the buzzword “soul mate” whispered in quiet conversations, promised on the internet, and advertised with abandon on our television sets. “Let us match twenty nine major personality characteristics to find your perfect, harmonious partner. Seventy two hours to true love – or your money back!”

The personality, so anxious to seek this union, often makes a choice of alliance that serves only to temporarily further its earthly education, but more often than not, discovers that its choice does not reflect the perfect love for which it yearns. As years pass in the presence of committed relationships, there comes a bonding of histories, experiences, children, responsibilities, and finances. This type of love is not only valid, but insures the continuity of our social fabric, and of course, the survival of our species.

However, even people involved in loving, committed relationships report a secret longing for something they’ve yet to experience; the Divine Love of their soul’s true mate…that one being created as their perfect counterpart.

So where does this divine discontent originate? How is it everyone feels such amazing euphoria in the first blush of love, hoping the one before them is their other half, and yet years later, can find no trace of that original expectation when looking in their partner’s eyes?

Scattered throughout our spiritual traditions, myths, and legends, are archetypal stories of two beings who were created from one, with one expressing the Divine Feminine energy and the other, the Divine Masculine. This sacred duo has been called by many names, including Twin Flames, Soul Mates, Divine Complements, Twin Rays, Eternal Marriage Partners, etc., but by whatever name they are called, each of us subliminally recognize the truth behind the tales and deep in our hearts, yearn for our own sacred reunion. We ache for this from the moment we first draw breath and seek it interminably because it is encoded in our very DNA. “But, oh, what agony it is not to know the address of the other half of your soul!”*

So, you ask, what does it take to return to the ecstasy of this union?

And I say to you, unequivocally – LOVE.

Perhaps it is ironic that the only way to receive love is to give it. The only way to be seen through the eyes of perfection is to see others through the eyes of perfection. The only way to be known and cherished is to know and cherish. To be known for more than your “story,” you must see past this world of duality and understand Love at its core. You cannot remedy the illusions with tools created within the illusion. You must know that only Love is real. Some religious constructs call this “an eye single to God.”

True Love is something that is given, without the ego’s endless agenda of “what’s in it for me?” By universal law, all energy moves in a circle, gathering more of its kind, and returns to the point of creation, magnified. If one is “giving” love, it must, by this law, be returned with more of its own. Read that again.

Learning to love everyone and all things in creation as if they were the other half of your heart is the only way to draw the physical presence of your beloved Twin Flame. This means holding for each condition, person, place, and thing, only a vision of their perfection and reflecting it back to them. Your beloved may even manifest in the presence of the person who sleeps next to you now. Perhaps they have been there all along, but the blinders created from ego’s ceaseless voice reflecting your frozen heart would not allow for recognition.

As so beautifully portrayed in the tragic tale of The Phantom of the Opera, to wither for lack of love is horrible. Ego chases its illusory definition of love until one’s soul becomes imprisoned in a self-imposed distortion that no longer recognizes itself as the divine spark of God. True Love, however, like the soul, is imperishable, inseparable, and incorruptible. It is the point of fire within each and every heart that is eternal and boundless, which nothing can limit and nothing can extinguish.

If your heart yearns for your divine lover, accompanied by secret prayers to “find” them, beware the ego’s voice as it whispers, “Why do you seek the RIGHT one, when the one who is GOOD ENOUGH FOR RIGHT NOW is sitting in front of you?”

Be patient, dear soul. Do not trade your ego’s ephemeral illusions for the limitless ecstasy of the truth, for in entering into a holy alliance for love of bodies, forms, and appearances, for security, or just company, binds you to a karmic responsibility beyond your imagination.

Rather, let your soul be filled and expanded with the limitless love of God, The Great Good Thing, All That Is. It is all the same, regardless of the semantics you use. Then magnify this love within your own heart and GIVE it back to the whole _ to every being, to every creation. Suddenly you will recognize that you are PART of the whole, part of GOD, and not something separate. As the signature vibration of True Love evolves within your breast, it magnetizes, without fail, the physical Divine Complementary Pattern of your beloved other half. Then shall you know the passionate ecstasy of co-creation in perfect balance.

“What a great thing to be loved. What a greater thing still, to love!”*

© ANGELINA HEART Visionary fictional author of The Teaching of Little Crow, The Journey of the Soul, a novel that explores the soul’s journey as it seeks its at-one-ment with both God and its Divine Counterpart. http://www.heartflamepublishing.com

*Victor Hugo